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Showing posts with label evs. Show all posts

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Science: Grade Four about topic

 Science: Grade Four topics

My Body and Digestion

Our body works like a machine. As a machine needs energy to run, our body also needs energy to work.


A machine gets energy from fuel or electricity. In similar way, our body gets en...


Food and Nutrition

All living being needs food. Food gives us energy. Food gives strength to do different work. Food helps us to grow. Food protects us from diseases. Without food no living being can survive.

Plants and Roots

Plants are living beings as we are. Plants grow and respire. Plants also need air to breathe. Plants also need water and food. As human or other animals cannot live without food, water and air, pla..

Flowers and Fruits

Flower is the most beautiful part of a plant. Most of the flowers are colourful. Flowers has pleasant smell. Flowers attract the insect and helps in reproduction. Flower grows and turn into fruit.



Plants Around Us

We see different types of plants around us. Plants are very important for us. Plants give us food to get energy and to do work. Plants give us oxygen to survive. Plants give us wood to make home .

Birds and Beaks

Bird is one of the most beautiful creatures of the world. We see different types of birds around us. They are different in colours, shapes and sizes. Parrot, sparrow, pigeon, swallow, eagle, vultur...



Need and Conservation of Water

Water plays very important role in our lives. All living things need water to live. There can be no life without water. Water is found only on one planet in the whole universe that is our earth. Be..


Water Pollution

Water is essential for all living beings. None can live without water. There can be no life without water. Plants cannot grow without water. Animals cannot live without water.We get water...




Animals having six legs are called insects. There are millions of insect present on the earth. Insects have different types of shapes and sizes. Generally insects crawl but some of them can fly suc.

Insects Long Answer Type Questions


Long Answer Type Questions

Answer the following question


Question: 1. How do we get silk?


Answer: We get silk from silk moths. Silk moths live and grow on mulberry leaves. A liquid is secreted from the body of silk moth which changes into fine thread. Silk moth weaves a cover around itself with this thread, this cover is called cocoons. These cocoons are collect and silk thread is obtained from it.


Question: 2. What is cocoon?


Answer: The cover weaved by silk moth around itself is called cocoon.


Question: 3. What is the use of cocoon?


Answer: We get silk thread from cocoon prepared by silk moth.


Question: 4. What is lac? state its four uses.


Answer: Lac is a semi solid substance sacred by the lac insects.


Question: 5. What is the uses of lac?


Answer: Lac is used in paints, varnishes, printing ink, and for making bangles.


Question: 6. Why houseflies are dangerous?


Answer: Houseflies are dangerous because these spread many diseases, diarrhoea, cholera and jaundice etc.


Question: 7. How do houseflies spread disease?


Answer: Housefly gathers germs of diseases by sitting on garbage or animal excreta. After that those houseflies sit on the food item. Germs stuck with their legs are passed on the food and get infected. Person who eats those infected food gets sick.


Question: 8. Name the mosquito that spread malaria.


Answer: Female Anopheles mosquitoes spread malaria.


Question: 9. Name the mosquito that spread Dengue fever.


Answer: Aedes mosquitoes spread dengue fever.


Question: 10. Name the stinging insects.


Answer: Honey bee and wasp are some stinging insects.


Question: 11. How can we prevent ourself form harmful insects?


Answer: We can prevent ourselves from harmful insects by following precautions:


We should keep clean our surroundings and home.

We should keep clean our drainage.

We should always keep food and water covered.

We should keep dried neem leaves in clothes storage.

Question: 12. What is apiculture?


Answer: Rearing and breeding of honeybees for collection of honey is called apiculture.


Question: 13. What is sericulture?


Answer: Rearing and breeding of silk worms for getting silk is called sericulture.


Question: 14. What is nectar?


Answer: A sweet liquid produced by flowers is called nectar.


Question: 15. What is honey combs?


Answer: A beehive consists of many six sided chambers are called honey combs.


Question: 16. What is pollination?


Answer: The process of shifting of pollen grains from one place to another is called pollination.


Question: 17. Name the diseases spread by housefly.


Answer: Housefly spread diseases like diarrhoea, cholera and jaundice etc.


Question: 18. How does insect help in pollination.


Answer: When insects sit on flowers, pollen grains get stuck to their legs or wings which are transferred to another flower when insects sit on another flower. Doing this way insects help in pollination.

Water Pollution


Water Pollution

Long Answer Type Questions

Answer the following question


Question: 1. What is water pollution?


Answer: Mixing of impurities in water is called water pollution.


Question: 2. How rain water get polluted?


Answer: When rain drops come to the earth, harmful gases present in atmosphere mix with rain drops and pollute rain water.


Question: 3. Why polluted water is harmful to drink?


Answer: Drinking of polluted water may leads to many diseases, so polluted water is harmful to drink.


Question: 4. Why food should not be made using polluted water?


Answer: Food made using polluted water is not safe to eat. This may leads to diseases. Thus, food should not be made using polluted water.


Question: 5. What are the cause of water pollution in cities?


Answer: Throwing of waste and garbage and flowing of drainage to the river and ponds are the main causes of water pollution in cities.


Question: 6. What are the causes of water pollution in villages?


Answer: Bathing of cattle, washing of utensils and throwing of garbage and waste in the river and ponds are main causes of water pollution in villages.


Question: 7. How can water pollution be prevented?


Answer: By preventing throwing of waste and garbage and flowing of drainage to the rivers and ponds, water pollution can be prevented.


Question: 8. Write the name of some diseases if we drink polluted water?


Answer: Drinking of polluted water leads to diseases like typhoid, diarrhoea, cholera, jaundice, etc.


Question: 9. How do vehicles responsible for water pollution?


Answer: Vehicles emit harmful gases. These harmful gases present in atmosphere mix with rain water while falling on earth and make rain water polluted. Rain water when reaches to river and ponds, it makes river and pond water polluted.


Question: 10. How does polluted water responsible to disturb ecological balance?


Answer: Because of water pollution, aquatic animals and plants die and this creates disturbance in ecological balance.


Need and Conservation of Water


Need and Conservation of Water (Science):

Questions - Long Answer Type

Answer the following questions.


Question: 1. Why is water important for living being?

Answer: Water is important for living beings because none of them can survive without water.


Question: 2. What is water conservation?

Answer: Proper utilization, avoiding wastage, and maintaining the amount of water in its different sources is called water conservation.


Question: 3. Why do we need to conserve water?

Answer: If we continue to waste water and its sources carelessly, and do not conserve water, a time will come when there were no water left for our survival, therefore we need to conserve water.


Question: 4. Explain the effect of growing population on water scarcity.

Answer: With increase in population increases the demand of water. More people need more water but the supply is not increasing with the pace of increase in population. This decreases the amount of water available per person. This creates water scarcity.


Question: 5. State the effect of deforestation on rainfall on water scarcity.

Answer: Cutting of trees in noticeable numbers is called deforestation. This changes decrease rainfall and snowfall resulting in shortage of fresh water.


Question: 6. How is setting up of factories affect the ground water level on water scarcity?

Answer: More and big factories are set to meet the every growing demand of people like food, clothing and other thing. These factories utilize more underground water which is not fulfilled again as much as it is used due to shortage of rainfall. This decreases the underground water level which leads to water scarcity.


Question: 7. How much surface earth is covered with ocean water?

Answer: About 97% of surface on the earth is covered with ocean water.


Question: 8. Why earth is called blue planet?

Answer: Because of presence of water our earth is called blue planet.


Question: 9. Write three ways of conserving water.



(a) Do not keep the tap running while brushing the teeth.

(b) Do not waste water.

(c) Do not throw water after washing vegetables, rice or pulses. Use it for watering plants.


Question: 10. What makes rainwater acidic?

Answer: Harmful gases coming out from factories and vehicles mix with air. While rains harmful gases present in air make rain water acidic.


Question: 11. Write the name of sources of fresh?

Answer: Rivers, ponds, lakes, glaciers, and ground water are main sources of fresh water.


Question: 12. What are the three factors responsible for water scarcity?

Answer: Main three factors responsible for water scarcity are growing population, deforestation, and growing number of factories.


Question: 13. What is rain water harvesting?

Answer: Collection of rain water in tanks for various uses is called rain water harvesting.


Question: 14. What is filtration of water?

Answer: Purification of water using filters is called filtration of water.


Question: 15. What is chlorination?

Answer: Water is purified by adding of chlorine is called chlorination. Chlorination is used to kill germs present in water.

Food: questions and answers


Question: 1 - What are energy giving foods?


Answer - Carbohydrates and fats are energy giving food. Rice, wheat, maize, potatoes, honey, sugar, are good sources of carbohydrates. Oil, ghee, butter and nuts are sources of fats.


Question: 2 - What are body building foods?


Answer- Proteins are body building foods. Pulses, eggs, fish, mutton, milk are sources of protein.


Question: 3 - What are protective foods?


Answer- Vitamins and minerals are protective foods.


Question: 4 - Why are proteins essentials for our body?


Answer - Proteins are essential for our body because it helps our body to grow and repair the worn-out tissues.


Question: 5 - What is the function of Iron in our body?


Answer- Iron helps in formation of haemoglobin in our blood and protects us from infections.


Question: 6 - Why should we eat a balance diet.


Answer - All nutrients have equal importance. In absence of any one of the nutrients leads to diseases, so we should always take a balance diet. A balance diet contains all nutrients in proper ratio and amount.


Question: 7 - Name four sources of Vitamin A.


Answer - Spinach, carrot, papaya and mango, are the sources of vitamin A.


Question: - 8What are the main function of calcium and phosphorous?


Answer - Calcium and phosphorous makes our bones and teeth strong.


Question: 9 - What are the sources of Vitamin D


Answer- Eggs, fish, milk and sun light, etc. are the sources of Vitamins D.


Question: 10 - Old people needs less carbohydrates, proteins and fats than young people justify the statement.


Answer – Generally, old people are not very active, this make functions of their body slow and hence, they need less energy. Therefore they need less carbohydrates, protein and fats.


While young children are more active and for their growth they need more carbohydrates, protein and fats.


Question: 11 - What is roughage write some food items that contain roughage.


Answer - Roughage is the fibre present in the food. It does not provide any nutrients to our body. It helps our body to get rid of undigested food by bulk formation.


Digestion questions and answers



Question: 1- Write the name the organ through which food enters into the stomach.

Answer: Food enters into the stomach through the food pipe.


Question: 2- Write the name of the parts of the digestive system.

Answer: Mouth, food pipe, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum are the parts of digestive system.


Question: 3- What is digestion?

Answer: Breaking up of the complex food materials into the simpler form is called digestion.


Question: 4- How many sets of teeth are formed during one’s life time?

Answer: There are two sets of teeth are formed during one’s life time.


Question: 5- What are milk teeth?

Answer: Milk teeth are temporary teeth. These are appear first after about one and two years of birth.


Question: 6- How many milk teeth one has?

Answer: There are 20 milk teeth one has.





Question: 7- What are permanent teeth?

Answer – Teeth appear after falling of milk teeth, are called permanent teeth. Permanent teeth appear between the ages of six to twelve. These are 32 in number.


Question: 8- How many permanent teeth one has?

Answer: There are 32 permanent teeth one has.


Question: 9- How many pairs of salivary glands are in the mouth?

Answer: There are three pairs of salivary glands present in the mouth.


Question: 10- What is the function of broad and grooved teeth?

Answer: Broad and grooved teeth help in chewing and grinding of the food.


Question: 11- What happens to food when it enters the stomach?

Answer: When food enters in the stomach, its walls secret digestive juice and acid. Acid kills germs and bacteria and digestive juice digest the food.


Question: 12- Why washing of vegetables and fruits before eating is important for us?

Answer – Because unwashed vegetables and fruits can carry germs of diseases which can cause for diarrhoea, vomiting and other diseases.

Question: 13- List the precautions that should be taken at the time of eating food.

Answer - We should wash our hand before and after eating.

We should eat balance diets.

We should chew food properly before swallowing.

We should drink plenty of water.

questions and a answers on Plants


Question: 1 - What are terrestrial plants?

Answer - Plants that grow on land are called terrestrial plants.


Question: 2 - Write the name some plants which grow on hills.

Answer - Pine, Deodar, cedar, Spruce, and fir, etc.


Question: 3 - Which plants are grow on the plains?

Answer – Plants of Mango, Peepal, Sheesham tree, and Banyan, etc. grow on plains.


Question: 4 - What do you mean by Evergreen Tree?

Answer - Trees which do not shed their leaves in any season and remain green in all season are called evergreen trees.


Question: 5 - Write the name the plants which grow in hot and wet region.

Answer – Plants of teak, rubber coconut, pepper, cotton, and banana, etc. grow in hot and wet region.


Question: 6 - What are breathings roots?

Answer - Roots arise from the main root and comes out of the soil above the water level to take oxygen from air are called breathing root also.


Question: 7 - What are aerial roots?

Answer - Roots arise from the main root and comes out of the soil above the water level to take oxygen from air, are called aerial roots.


Question: 8 - What is marshy area?

Answer - Wet and muddy areas are called Marshy area.


Question: 9 - Which plants are found in desert?

Answer – Plants of cactus, babool, etc. are found in desert areas.


Question: 10 - What are underwater plants?

Answer - Plants which grow under the water are called underwater plants.


Question: 11- How do plants Hydrilla help aquatic animals?

Answer - Hydrilla makes water suitable for fish and other aquatic animals to get enough oxygen by increasing oxygen in water and removing carbon dioxide from water.


Question: 12 - What type of leaves do the plants of hills have?

Answer - The plants of hilly areas have narrow and needle shaped leaves.


Question: 13 - How are narrow and needle shaped leaves of plants that grow in hilly areas useful to the plants?

Answer: Narrow and needle shaped leaves do not allow the snow get deposited on them which prevent the branches of plants to get broken because of loads of snow.


Question: 14 – Which plants are called aquatic plants?

Answer: Plants which grow in water are called aquatic plants.


Question: 15 – What do you understand by floating aquatic plants?

Answer: Plants that grow in water bodies and keep floating on water are called floating aquatic plants.


Question: 16 – Which type of leaves have floating aquatic plants?

Answer: Floating aquatic plants have broad leaves.

questions and answers on parts of plants

part of the plant


Question: 1- Write the name of the underground part of the plant.

Answer – Root is the underground part of a plant.


Question: 2 - Write the name of different parts of plant.

Answer - Root, stem, leaves, branches, flowers, and fruits.


Question: 3 - How is root important for a plant?

Answer- Root helps plant to absorb water and minerals from the soil. It holds the plants upright in the soil.


Question: 4 - Write name of some plants having tap roots.

Answer – Baniyan, peepal, neem, mango, etc. have tap roots.


Question: 5 - Write the example of modified root.

Answer - Carrot, beet, redish and turnip, etc. are modified root.


Question: 6 - Write the name of edible root.

Answer - Radish, carrot, turnip and beet are edible roots.


Question: 7 - Why do some plants have aerial roots?

Answer - Some plants have weak stem so they need support of aerial roots to keep them right.

Plants grow in the marshy areas do not get sufficient oxygen from roots. These plants have aerial roots coming out of soil to get fresh air from the atmosphere.


Question: 8 - Which plants have aerial roots?

Answer - Baniyan, maize and mangrove plants have aerial root.


Question: 9 -Write two differences between tap root and fibrous root.

Answer-Difference between Tap root and Fibrous root

Tap root  Firbrous root

(1) Cylinderical in shape.         (2) Hair like thin in shape

(2) Single root (2) Many root


Question: 10 – What is tap root?

Answer: Tap root is cylindrical, single and long root. Trees like neem, peepal, mango, baniyan and rose have tap root.


Question: 11 – What is firbrous root?

Answer: Fibrous root is thin hair like structures arises from the base of the stem. It is found in grasses, banana and all type of cereals.

Question: 12- what is the function of root?

Answer - Root helps a plant to absorb water and minerals from the soil. It holds the plants upright in the soil.

Questions and answers on birds part1



Questions and answers:

1. Do birds have teeth?

Ans: No , the birds don’t have teeth .They use their beaks and claws to catch, hold and eat their food.

2. What is the special body feature of bird?

Ans: The special body feature of bird help them to fly.

3. Who look after baby birds?

Ans: Baby birds are looked after by their parents.

4. Do birds need food like another living thing?

Ans: Yes birds need food like other living things.

5. Write some food items that birds eat?

Ans: Some birds eat flesh while some eat grains, seeds and fruits.

6. What the birds use to catch, hold and eat?

Ans: Birds use their beaks and claws to catch, hold and eat their food.

7. Which birds are called as birds of prey?

Ans: Eagle, vulture, hawks, kites and owls are birds of prey.

8. What the birds of prey eat?

Ans: They eat small animals like chicks, mice, frogs and snacks.

9. What the birds use to tear flesh?

Ans: They use their strong, sharp and hooked beaks.

10. Which birds have short, hard and pointed beaks?

Ans:  sparrow, pigeons, peacocks and finches.

11. What is the use of short hard and pointed beaks?

Ans: to pick up and crush grains and seeds.

12. What are the different kinds of beaks?

Ans: a) Strong, sharp and hooked.

b) Short, hard and pointed.

c) Strong and curved.

d) Strong and chisel-shaped.

e) Broad and short.

f) Long and slender

g) Broad and flat beak.

13. How curved beak help parakeet?

 Ans: Curved beak of parakeet helps it to crack nuts and hard fruits. Also helps it to climb trees.

14.What is the name of chisel shaped beak?

Ans: a woodpecker has a strong and chisel-shaped beak.

15. What help the swimming birds to swim?

Ans: Swimming birds have Webber feet is called a web. This skin helps them to push water back while swimming.

16.Do living things live forever?

Ans: No, living things do not liv forever .They die after completing their lifespan.

17.What is mean by reproduction?

Ans: The process by which living things produce more of their young once(own kids)  is called Reproduction.

18.In which way animals reproduce?

Ans: Animals reproduce in two different ways. Some give birth to young once where as some lay eggs. Later young ones hatch out from these eggs.

19.Who gives birth to their young once?

Ans :Humans, cats, horses, goats, rabbits, rats and cows.

20.Who lays eggs?

Ans: frogs ,hens and snakes lay eggs out of which babies.


21.What is mean by mammals?

Animals which gives birth to young ones and feed on their milk are called mammals

Ex: humans, bats

Note: their body covered with hair.

22.Are bats mammals?

Ans: Yes , though bat’s fly like birds they are mammals too.

23.Are dolphins and whales are mammals?

Ans: Even though they look like fish and have hairless bodies  are mammals.

24.Who cares their babymammals?

Ans: Mammals take care of their babies for a long period of time.

25.Where  do birds lays eggs?

Ans:Most birds build nest to lays eggs,They sit on the eggs to keep them warm after some time the eggs hatch and baby bird will come out.

26.Who cares for the young one(birds)?Ans: She  feed their baby and clean them ,keep them warm and she protect them from enemies . as they grow the mother bird teaches to find food and live there own.

names of scientists and their inventions


Scientists Inventions / Discoveries / Known For

Albert Einstein Theory of Relativity, Photon,

Photoelectric Effect

Albert Hofmann Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)

Alexander Fleming Penicillin

Alessandro Volta Methane

Alfred Nobel Dynamite

Alessandro Volta Battery

Anders Celsius Celsius

Antoine Laurent


Identified Oxygen, Hydrogen, Role of

Oxygen in Combustion, Established

that Sulfur was an element

Anton van


Simple Microscope, Infusoria, Bacteria,

Protozoa, Vacuole of the cell,

Spermatozoa, Banded pattern

of muscular fibres

Archimedes Archimedes' principle, Archimedes'

screw, Claw of Archimedes

Arnold O. Beckman pH Meter

Baruch Blumberg Hepatitis B Vaccine

Blaise Pascal Calculator

Breidenbach Glyoxysomes

Important Scientists : Inventions and Discoveries Free Static GK e-book

Camilo Golgi Golgi Bodies

Carl Linnaeus Formalised Binomial Nomenclature

Charles Parson Steam Turbine

Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection

Charles Landsteiner Rh Factor, Blood Replacement

Christiaan Huygens Wave Theory of Light, Discovery of Titan

Dmitri Mendeleev Periodic Table of Elements

Dresser Aspirin

Edme Regnier Dynamometer

Edward Buchner Zymase, the first enzyme

Edward Calvin Thyroxin, Cortisone

Edward Jenner Vaccination (Small Pox)

Edward Teller Hydrogen Bomb

Edwin Hubble Modern (Hooker) Telescope,

Asteroid 1373 Cincinnati

Einthoven ECG (Electrocardiogram) Mechanism

Emil Fischer Fischer Esterification, Fischer projection

Enrico Fermi Transuranic Elements

Ernest Rutherford Discovery of alpha and beta radioactivity,

proton, Rutherford scattering,

Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy,

Important Scientists : Inventions and Discoveries Free Static GK e-book

Discovery of atomic nucleus (Rutherford

model), Structure of the Atom

Ernst Haeckel Three- Kingdom Classification, Biogenetic

Law (Recapitulation Theory)

Ernst Mayr Concept of Peripatric Speciation

Erwin Schrodinger Wave Equation (Schrödinger Equation )

Eugen Goldstein Anode Rays

Evangelista Torricelli Barometer

Francis Crick Structure of DNA Molecule

Francis Galton Galton Board, Galton Whistle, Eugenics,

Weather Map, Theory of Anticyclones

Friedrich Dexler Ammeter

Frederick Gowland


Vitamins, Tryptophan

Frederick Sanger Sequencing of Protein

Fritz Hofmann Synthetic Rubber

Galileo Galilei Principles of Relativity, Four Moons of

Jupiter (Galilean Moons), Saturn’s Ring

Gregor Mendel Laws of Inheritance

Gustav Kirchhoff Spectroscopy, Kirchhoff’s Law

Hans Bethe CNO Cycle

Hans Lippershey Telescope

Important Scientists : Inventions and Discoveries Free Static GK e-book

Harrison & Simpson Chloroform

Heike Kamerlingh



Hermann von


Theories on The Conservation of Energy

Hofmeister Cell Division

Isaac Newton Laws of Motion, Universal Law of

Gravitation, Generalized Binomial

Theorem, Modern Calculus

James Clerk Maxwell Theory of Electromagnetic Radiation,

Maxwell's Equations

James Watson Structure of DNA

Jean Baptiste Lamarck Theory of Inheritance of Acquired

Characteristics (Lamarckian inheritance)

Johannes Kepler Laws of Planetary Motion

John Bardeen Transistor, Theory of Conventional

Superconductivity (BCS Theory)

John Dalton Theory of the Atom

Jonas Edward Salk Polio Vaccine (Salk Vaccine)

Joseph J. Thomson Discovery of the Electron, Sub-atomic

particle, Isotopes

Justus Liebig Law of the Minimum, Liebig Condenser

Important Scientists : Inventions and Discoveries Free Static GK e-book

Karl Landsteiner Blood Group

Knoll M. and Ruska E. Electron Microscope

Konrad Lorenz Ethology

Leon Battista Alberti Anemometer

Linus Pauling Twentieth-Century Chemistry

Loeffler F. and Frosch


Foot and Mouth Disease- First viral

disease of animals

Lohmann K ATP

Louis Pasteur Principles of Vaccination, Microbial

Fermentation, Pasteurization

Louis Victor de Broglie Pilot-Wave Model, Wave-Particle Duality

Ludwig Boltzmann Thermodynamics, Boltzmann equation,


Lynn Margulis Symbiosis Theory

Marcello Malpighi Microscopic Anatomy

Marie Curie Radioactivity

Martin Clive Human Gene Therapy

Max Born Quantum Mechanics

Max Delbruck Bacteriophage

Max Planck Quanta

Max von Laue X-ray Crystallography

Important Scientists : Inventions and Discoveries Free Static GK e-book

Michael Dibake Artificial Heart

Michael Faraday Classical Field Theory

Michael Tswett Chromatography

Murray Gell-Mann Eightfold Way

Neil Bohr Atomic Model

Nicolaus Copernicus Heliocentric Universe

Paul Dirac Quantum Electrodynamics

Paul Ehrlich Chemotherapy

Paul Muller DDT

Pierre Vernier Vernier Caliper

Pierre Simon de


Newtonian Mechanics

Porter K.R, Claude and


Endoplasmic Reticulum

Rene Laennec Stethoscope

Richard Feynman Quantum Electrodynamics

Robert Koch TB Bacteria

Robert Weinberg Gene of Cancer

Rudolf Virchow Cell Doctrine

Schimper Chloroplast

Important Scientists : Inventions and Discoveries Free Static GK e-book

Schleiden and


Cell Theory

Sheldon Breiner Magnetometer

Sheldon Glashow Discovery of Charm

Stephen Hawking Quantum Cosmology



the Modern Synthesis

Thomas Green Morton Anesthesia

Thomas Hunt Morgan Chromosomal Theory of Heredity

Tycho Brahe New Astronomy

Waldemar Haffkine Cholera Vaccine, Plague Vaccine

Waldo Semon & B. F.

Goodrich Company

Polyvinyl Chloride

Walton Lillehei Open Heart Surgery

Watson & Arthur RNA

Werner Heisenberg Quantum Theory

Whittaker R.H Five Kingdom Classification

Wilhelm Roentgen X-rays

Willard Libby Radioactive Dating


Willem Kolff Kidney Machine

William Bayliss Modern Physiology

Important Scientists : Inventions and Discoveries Free Static GK e-book

William Harvey Circulation of the Blood

William Herschel Discovery of the Heavens

William Kroll Titanium

William Stanley Transformer

William Sturgeon Electromagnet