Thursday, September 16, 2021

Need and Conservation of Water


Need and Conservation of Water (Science):

Questions - Long Answer Type

Answer the following questions.


Question: 1. Why is water important for living being?

Answer: Water is important for living beings because none of them can survive without water.


Question: 2. What is water conservation?

Answer: Proper utilization, avoiding wastage, and maintaining the amount of water in its different sources is called water conservation.


Question: 3. Why do we need to conserve water?

Answer: If we continue to waste water and its sources carelessly, and do not conserve water, a time will come when there were no water left for our survival, therefore we need to conserve water.


Question: 4. Explain the effect of growing population on water scarcity.

Answer: With increase in population increases the demand of water. More people need more water but the supply is not increasing with the pace of increase in population. This decreases the amount of water available per person. This creates water scarcity.


Question: 5. State the effect of deforestation on rainfall on water scarcity.

Answer: Cutting of trees in noticeable numbers is called deforestation. This changes decrease rainfall and snowfall resulting in shortage of fresh water.


Question: 6. How is setting up of factories affect the ground water level on water scarcity?

Answer: More and big factories are set to meet the every growing demand of people like food, clothing and other thing. These factories utilize more underground water which is not fulfilled again as much as it is used due to shortage of rainfall. This decreases the underground water level which leads to water scarcity.


Question: 7. How much surface earth is covered with ocean water?

Answer: About 97% of surface on the earth is covered with ocean water.


Question: 8. Why earth is called blue planet?

Answer: Because of presence of water our earth is called blue planet.


Question: 9. Write three ways of conserving water.



(a) Do not keep the tap running while brushing the teeth.

(b) Do not waste water.

(c) Do not throw water after washing vegetables, rice or pulses. Use it for watering plants.


Question: 10. What makes rainwater acidic?

Answer: Harmful gases coming out from factories and vehicles mix with air. While rains harmful gases present in air make rain water acidic.


Question: 11. Write the name of sources of fresh?

Answer: Rivers, ponds, lakes, glaciers, and ground water are main sources of fresh water.


Question: 12. What are the three factors responsible for water scarcity?

Answer: Main three factors responsible for water scarcity are growing population, deforestation, and growing number of factories.


Question: 13. What is rain water harvesting?

Answer: Collection of rain water in tanks for various uses is called rain water harvesting.


Question: 14. What is filtration of water?

Answer: Purification of water using filters is called filtration of water.


Question: 15. What is chlorination?

Answer: Water is purified by adding of chlorine is called chlorination. Chlorination is used to kill germs present in water.

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