Thursday, September 16, 2021

Water Pollution


Water Pollution

Long Answer Type Questions

Answer the following question


Question: 1. What is water pollution?


Answer: Mixing of impurities in water is called water pollution.


Question: 2. How rain water get polluted?


Answer: When rain drops come to the earth, harmful gases present in atmosphere mix with rain drops and pollute rain water.


Question: 3. Why polluted water is harmful to drink?


Answer: Drinking of polluted water may leads to many diseases, so polluted water is harmful to drink.


Question: 4. Why food should not be made using polluted water?


Answer: Food made using polluted water is not safe to eat. This may leads to diseases. Thus, food should not be made using polluted water.


Question: 5. What are the cause of water pollution in cities?


Answer: Throwing of waste and garbage and flowing of drainage to the river and ponds are the main causes of water pollution in cities.


Question: 6. What are the causes of water pollution in villages?


Answer: Bathing of cattle, washing of utensils and throwing of garbage and waste in the river and ponds are main causes of water pollution in villages.


Question: 7. How can water pollution be prevented?


Answer: By preventing throwing of waste and garbage and flowing of drainage to the rivers and ponds, water pollution can be prevented.


Question: 8. Write the name of some diseases if we drink polluted water?


Answer: Drinking of polluted water leads to diseases like typhoid, diarrhoea, cholera, jaundice, etc.


Question: 9. How do vehicles responsible for water pollution?


Answer: Vehicles emit harmful gases. These harmful gases present in atmosphere mix with rain water while falling on earth and make rain water polluted. Rain water when reaches to river and ponds, it makes river and pond water polluted.


Question: 10. How does polluted water responsible to disturb ecological balance?


Answer: Because of water pollution, aquatic animals and plants die and this creates disturbance in ecological balance.


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