Thursday, September 16, 2021

Insects Long Answer Type Questions


Long Answer Type Questions

Answer the following question


Question: 1. How do we get silk?


Answer: We get silk from silk moths. Silk moths live and grow on mulberry leaves. A liquid is secreted from the body of silk moth which changes into fine thread. Silk moth weaves a cover around itself with this thread, this cover is called cocoons. These cocoons are collect and silk thread is obtained from it.


Question: 2. What is cocoon?


Answer: The cover weaved by silk moth around itself is called cocoon.


Question: 3. What is the use of cocoon?


Answer: We get silk thread from cocoon prepared by silk moth.


Question: 4. What is lac? state its four uses.


Answer: Lac is a semi solid substance sacred by the lac insects.


Question: 5. What is the uses of lac?


Answer: Lac is used in paints, varnishes, printing ink, and for making bangles.


Question: 6. Why houseflies are dangerous?


Answer: Houseflies are dangerous because these spread many diseases, diarrhoea, cholera and jaundice etc.


Question: 7. How do houseflies spread disease?


Answer: Housefly gathers germs of diseases by sitting on garbage or animal excreta. After that those houseflies sit on the food item. Germs stuck with their legs are passed on the food and get infected. Person who eats those infected food gets sick.


Question: 8. Name the mosquito that spread malaria.


Answer: Female Anopheles mosquitoes spread malaria.


Question: 9. Name the mosquito that spread Dengue fever.


Answer: Aedes mosquitoes spread dengue fever.


Question: 10. Name the stinging insects.


Answer: Honey bee and wasp are some stinging insects.


Question: 11. How can we prevent ourself form harmful insects?


Answer: We can prevent ourselves from harmful insects by following precautions:


We should keep clean our surroundings and home.

We should keep clean our drainage.

We should always keep food and water covered.

We should keep dried neem leaves in clothes storage.

Question: 12. What is apiculture?


Answer: Rearing and breeding of honeybees for collection of honey is called apiculture.


Question: 13. What is sericulture?


Answer: Rearing and breeding of silk worms for getting silk is called sericulture.


Question: 14. What is nectar?


Answer: A sweet liquid produced by flowers is called nectar.


Question: 15. What is honey combs?


Answer: A beehive consists of many six sided chambers are called honey combs.


Question: 16. What is pollination?


Answer: The process of shifting of pollen grains from one place to another is called pollination.


Question: 17. Name the diseases spread by housefly.


Answer: Housefly spread diseases like diarrhoea, cholera and jaundice etc.


Question: 18. How does insect help in pollination.


Answer: When insects sit on flowers, pollen grains get stuck to their legs or wings which are transferred to another flower when insects sit on another flower. Doing this way insects help in pollination.

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